She Makes The Cutest Necklace Out Of Buttons Of All Things (Quick And Easy!)

She Makes The Cutest Necklace Out Of Buttons Of All Things (Quick And Easy!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

What a great way to repurpose some of those buttons you’ve been hanging onto for years! And I can’t think of a better idea! I love the way this necklace looks on Michele Baratta and was inspired to make one for myself!


I saw one of these for sale on Etsy for $40-$189! Really? Now why would you spend that kind of money on something you can easily do yourself?! Maybe this could be a new enterprise for some of you!

What makes a better accessory than a handmade one? Extremely unique, crafty and inexpensive, button accessories grab our attention more often nowadays. It is maybe because of the long nights and we’re stuck at home without having a thing to do and tons of buttons. DIY projects come to the rescue for such leisure time and this roundup will be the starter of a new one by triggering your creativity.

I love button crafts! Maybe it’s because buttons are so easy to work with. I just think buttons are some of the most friendly, pretty, versatile crafts materials to work with. I’ve used buttons to create wonky wreaths, adorn felt ornaments, greeting cards and scrapbook pages.  Hopefully this will inspire you to get creative and use buttons in ways you haven’t thought of.

There are so many interesting things you can make with buttons. You can make something new and creative or you can decorate the old things, making them just like new. There are so many ideas using buttons for decoration or making a new things, especially jewelry. You can make an amazing earrings with buttons or an interesting picture frame with buttons,  decorate your old lampshade, the clock or the old shoes. And there are also one more wonderful thing about buttons: there are many different kinds of buttons, different size, different shape and different colors. So, you have an huge choice of buttons to make for yourself something new or decorate some old item.

Hopefully this will inspire you to get creative and use buttons in ways you haven’t thought of!

Watch how Michele Baratta makes this stunning necklace in her step by step tutorial.



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