How to Clean Your Shoes in the Dishwasher

How to Clean Your Shoes in the Dishwasher | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Smart Fox via YouTube


Your shoes got so dirty and you need them the next day, but your washing machine isn’t working or for some reason you don’t like washing your shoes there, what would you do then? You can either wash them by hand which you might find a hassle, or you can use your dishwasher instead. You may think this is a strange idea, but it works for some people, especially in desperate times.


RELATED: Clever Dishwasher Hat Cleaning Hack

You might even find your shoes are way more clean when washed in the dishwasher. However, if you think this is too unhygienic or are uncomfortable with this idea, then you can totally skip this hack. But, if you think this idea may come in handy someday, then check out this hack by Smart Fox on YouTube now.

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How to Clean Your Shoes in the Dishwasher:

How to Wash Dirty Shoes Properly
Image credit: Smart Fox via YouTube

Step 1

Remove the insoles of the shoes, then soak them in a basin with water and detergent mixture, and wash them separately.

Step 2

Place the shoes upside down on the dishwasher rack, then fill the container with detergent, and set the temperature to low.

Step 3

Start the cycle, then take the shoes out, and stuff them with crumpled paper so that they hold their shape as they dry and it also helps soak up excess moisture.

Step 4

Place the shoes outside or in a warm place, then let them dry, and you’re done!

Easy Dirty Shoes Washing Hack
Image credit: Smart Fox via YouTube

How to Clean Your Shoes in the Dishwasher

*Thanks to Smart Fox via YouTube for all the images used here. If you love this idea, then you’ll surely love his other videos too, so give his channel a visit and subscribe!

How to Clean Your Shoes in the Dishwasher

How to Clean Your Shoes in the Dishwasher

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