How to Get Rid of Wasps Around the House

How to Get Rid of Wasps Around the House | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by The Home Depot via YouTube


Do you see a lot of wasps roaming in your garden? Let The Home Depot teach you how to get rid of wasps around your home.

Waps have a similar shape to bees and have distinct yellow and black bands. They are active during summer and are territorial. If you go near their nest, there is a big chance that they will attack you.


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Did you know that these insects are pollinators? Plus, they are great pest controllers. But there are still hidden dangers of wasp nets. Their stings can cause severe allergic reactions, and some types can cause property damage. Learn how to eliminate wasps and how to treat a wasp sting by reading the steps below.

Here’s another tip for you: How To Get Rid of Hornets, Yellow Jackets, and Wasps

How to Eliminate Wasps

Step 1:

Identify the wasps. They have a pinched waistline and less hair, compared to bees. Their nests look like a brownish-gray papery material.

How to Eliminate Wasps
Image by The Home Depot via YouTube

Step 2:

Start by eliminating the colony. Traps and sprays are the two most popular ways to get rid of them. If you use a trap, choose with the attractant included or bait it yourself with sugar or juice. Place it downwind of any outdoor living area.

Getting rid of wasp nests
Image by The Home Depot via YouTube

Step 3:

Spraying either colonies or individual wasps is a quick and easy option even from several feet away.

If you find a very large nest, indoors or on the ground, contact a professional.

How to Treat a Wasp Sting

If a wasp lands on you, don’t panic. Just brush it off gently.

If it stings, wash the area on your skin with soap and cold water. You can reduce the swelling with an antihistamine and apply calamine lotion to relieve itching.

For severe symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

How to Get Rid of Wasps Around the House

How to Get Rid of Wasps Around the House

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