10 Things People With Clean Homes Do Every Day

10 Things People With Clean Homes Do Every Day | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Dee Middleton via YouTube


Wondering how you can keep your home tidy and clean all the time? Check out these 10 things people with clean homes do every day by Dee Middleton.


Some people are able to keep their homes clean even with a busy schedule because they have a cleaning routine! They have formed a habit of doing small cleaning tasks every day, which often only take a few seconds. Even though it may seem like these small tasks won’t make a big difference, they really do.

RELATED: 9 Top Cleaning Hacks That Actually Work

Having everyone involved in these tasks will keep your home spotless. Establishing this routine may be challenging at first, but once you and everyone get used to it, it will become a habit. These simple tips are definitely worth the try! Although I only listed seven ways, there are 3 more. You can find them in the video below.

Here’s another tip you might want to try: 3 Cleaning Tricks with Dishwashing Tabs

10 Simple Ways to Keep a Clean Home

1 – Dishes

Clean dirty dishes after using them to keep your kitchen clean. Do not let dishes, pots, and pans soak in water overnight.

Load dirty dishes in the dishwasher and start it right before heading to bed. Then in the morning, empty the dishwasher and put away clean dishes.

2 – Laundry

Put clean laundry in your closet right away and the dirty laundry in the proper place each day. Go through your entire home, empty clothes hamper, and carry all dirty laundry to the laundry room. Do not leave them on chairs or beds.

Use the correct temperature. Wash all colors and darks in cold water and hot water on whites (not on delicate fabrics).

3 – Trash

Run through your home daily and toss all the trash in each room. Empty wastebasket in each room every day into the kitchen trash can. At the end of the day, empty the trash bin outside. If you have kids, instead of putting trash cans in each room, you can place a shared trash can outside so it’s easier to clean.

10 Simple Ways to Keep a Clean Home
Image by Dee Middleton via YouTube

4 – Make beds

Make your bed daily. Keep beds simple – a pillow, sheet, and a comforter. Avoid adding tons of throw pillows.

How to Keep a Clean Home
Image by Dee Middleton via YouTube

5 – Floors

At least do sweeping in the kitchen where food particles and messes are most likely to occur. Clean any spills as soon as they happen.

You can also touch up the high-traffic areas as needed.

6 – Straighten each room before bed

Go through the entire home with a basket and collect any household items that belong in another room.

Teach the kids to clean up after themselves. Have them collect their toys, stuffed animals, and own items, and put them away.

If you do this before bed each night, you will wake up to a cleaner and fresher home.

7 – Bathroom surfaces and mirror

Use sanitizing wipes to wipe counters, sinks, and toilets daily or every other day. To clean mirrors, mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe mirrors.


10 Things People With Clean Homes Do Every Day

10 Things People With Clean Homes Do Every Day

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