5 Viral Kitchen Hacks Tested

5 Viral Kitchen Hacks Tested | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by USA TODAY via YouTube


Have you seen those viral kitchen hacks while scrolling through social media platforms and wondered if they’re actually effective? USA TODAY has tested 5 viral kitchen hacks, so you don’t have to! I have seen most of these hacks on my feed and have tried them as well. I can say that some of these trending hacks do work, and I have adopted them in my daily life.


RELATED: 8 Clever Home Cleaning Hacks You Should Know

I am so thankful for these hacks because they make life much easier! They make cleaning or cooking faster, which saves you a lot of time. But know that not everything on the internet is true, so you have to research these methods first before you try them to make sure they are safe.

Here are some other tips for you: 9 Clever Kitchen Hacks You Never Knew

5 Trending Kitchen Hacks

1 – How to not cry when cutting onions

  • Cold onion. Have you heard of putting onions in the fridge before cutting? Turns of cutting a cold onion will less likely make you cry.
  • Wet paper towel. Another viral trick is setting a wet paper towel right next to where you are cutting. It is supposed to attract all the sulfuric acid. But does it work? Yes, it does!
How to not cry when cutting onions
Image by USA TODAY via YouTube

2 – Peeling garlic quickly and neatly

  • Using the microwave. Placing the garlic in the microwave for 20 seconds will make peeling easier but may not be the best method.
  • Cutting it in half. Cutting a garlic bulb in half and smashing the top and bottom pieces does not work all the time.
  • Shaking. Place a garlic bulb on top of a paper towel and smash it with your hands. Place the garlic cloves on a jar and cover with the lid. Shake it well until all skin is removed. This trick definitely works but requires a lot of shaking.
Peeling garlic quickly and neatly
Image by USA TODAY via YouTube

3 – Cleaning stained plastic containers

  • Paper towel and dish soap. Fill your container with some water and add some dish soap and pieces of paper towel. Cover with the lid and shake well for about a minute. This trick may work for fresh stains.
  • Baking soda. If the stains are already set, a sponge and baking soda may do the trick. Add baking soda and water to the container and let it sit for a few minutes. Use a sponge to rub the stained areas and wash the container.

4 – Straining and portioning pasta

  • Pasta spoon. The whole of the pasta spoon will give you one serving of pasta.
  • Colander. Placing a colander on top of the pot is an easier way to strain your pasta.

5 – Resealing snack bags

  • Cutting section. Cutting the middle section from your snack bag works but requires scissors.
  • Folding. Get all the air out of the bag, fold the corners toward the center, and roll in the opposite direction. It will create a flap that you will tuck under. This trick works and does not require anything else.


5 Viral Kitchen Hacks Tested

5 Viral Kitchen Hacks Tested

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