How to Make a Ring Bag

How to Make a Ring Bag | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Ozachan channel via Youtube


Isn’t this ring bag perfect for summer or not? It’s super cute and great for picnics or beach trips. It also has a small pocket inside for your cards, keys, or money. Learn how to make it through this tutorial by Ozachan channel.



  • 15.75″ x 28.35″ outer fabric (cotton linen)
  • 15.75″ x 28.35″ inner fabric (cotton)
  • 7.9″ x 13.4″ fabric for the pocket
  • 5.12″ diameter ring (2 pieces)


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Step 1:

Get the fabric for the pocket and fold it in half crosswise, right sides together. Mark an opening on the top side. Sew on all sides with 0.4″ seam allowance, except the opening and on the bottom. Trim off the corners just above the seam and flip it right side out. Press it flat, then sew on the folded side.

Step 2:

Get the inner fabric and fold it in half lengthwise and crosswise to make a crease. Open and lay it right side up. Place the pocket on one side of the fabric just like in the photo. It should be 5.12″ from the top. Stitch on the sides and bottom.

How to Make a Ring Bag Tutorial
Image by Ozachan channel via Youtube

Step 3:

Place the outer fabric on top of the lining fabric, right side together. Sew on the short sides with a 0.4″ seam allowance. Press the seam open, align them in the middle, and pin them together.

Step 4:

Draw a 1.57″ x 1.97″ rectangle on four corners, then cut them.

Step 5:

From the center seam, measure 5.5″ on both sides on the top and bottom and mark them. Sew on the top and bottom except for the opening in the center. Press the seam open.

Step 6:

Sew the square corners together with a 0.4″ seam allowance. Next, sew the outer and lining corners together. Flip it right side out, then fix it so that the lining is inside.

How to Make a Ring Bag Project
Image by Ozachan channel via Youtube

Step 7:

Sew the slit on the sides.

Step 8:

From the open side on both layers, measure 3.15″ and mark. Draw a straight line connecting the marks. Insert the corner of the fabric into the right, fold up until the line, then secure with a pin. Sew the fold, keep on folding, following the line, until you reach the other end. Repeat with the other ring.



How to Make a Ring Bag

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