Image by The Millennial Gardener via Youtube
Are you having trouble killing ants on your lawn? Don’t worry -the Millennial Gardener is here to help. With these 3 easy steps, you can make your yard ant-free forever! These are definitely proven and effective tips to kill the pests in your backyard. In this tutorial, he will explain the defensive, offensive, and prevention strategies. Watch the video below for a full explanation.
Defensive strategy. Spread insect-killing lawn granules around your lawn with a spreader. This will create a barrier around your yard which can last for up to 3 months. It will keep the pest away, especially ants. Remember that you can apply this to your lawn, but not your garden, as it can have a detrimental long-term effect. It has very low toxicity to human beings but is extremely toxic to insects and cats.
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Offensive strategy. Get an ant bait product. This is designed to destroy colonies. Put one teaspoon right side of their ant hill about a few inches away. The ants will come out and take it all back to the other ants. In 24 hours, it will kill the entire colony. For a natural product alternative, you can use borax. There are tons of recipes you can try.
Permanent ant prevention. Transform your soil to make the ants no longer attracted to your yard. Make your sandy soil into an organic matter-rich loam. Ants need to build their colonies in firm sandy soil that drains well and holds structure. They can’t build in heavy organic matter because it completely falls apart. Add lots of compost and mulch to an area so there will be nowhere the ants can build. For your garden, you can fill them with turkey compost. You can also cover your walkway with a weed barrier.