13 Foods That Will Melt Your Belly Fat

13 Foods That Will Melt Your Belly Fat | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Bestie via Youtube


If you want to lose belly fat, then you have to check out your diet. Sometimes, going to the gym is not the only answer to your fitness problem; you should first take a closer look at what you eat daily. Bestie on Youtube listed down 13 foods that can help you burn belly fat. The best thing about these foods is that you can easily insert them into your diet. Watch the video below now to learn more about these foods.


#1 Black Pepper

Piperine compounds help break down the extra fat and improve metabolism. It also lessens bloating and aids in the elimination of intestinal gasses. Antioxidants from pepper relieve joint pain too.

Black pepper can help burn belly fat
Image credits: Bestie via Youtube

#2 Grapefruit

Studies have shown eating half a fresh grapefruit can help in weight loss. It also can reduce your waist circumference. This fruit is also a source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

#3 Coconut Oil

Magic bullet coffee with coconut oil is a top favorite of keto dieters. Although there is no scientific evidence, people believe it can give you a massive inch loss. According to a 4-week study, adults who took 2 tbsp of coconut oil daily experienced a decrease in their belly fat.

#4 Dark Chocolate

A study found that adding a few pieces of dark chocolate to your diet can actually aid in burning belly fat.

#5 Chia Seeds

These seeds are a great source of fiber and calcium. They contain omega-3 fats and also reduce the risk of heart disease. Chia seeds also blend seamlessly into a calorie deficit diet without compromising nutrition.


#6 Green Tea

This tea is high in antioxidants and protects against cell damage. It also reduces your risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Research on green tea antioxidants like catechins reveals that while there is some weight reduction, a significant chunk of fat loss is from unhealthy belly fat.

#7 Kale

Kale fiber can help you lose abdominal fat. It is low in calories and helps reduce your calorie intake for general weight loss.

#8 Berries

Berries are high in antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium while being low in calories. All of these are pretty effective for losing weight.

#9 Wild-Caught Salmon

This fish is an excellent food source of protein, increases your metabolism, and keeps you full. According to a study, salmon’s omega-3 fatty acids help overweight people to lose abdominal fat.

#10 Beets

It is jam-packed with compounds that can accelerate your weight loss. A glass of beet juice before breakfast can aid in losing abdominal fat.

#11 Cinnamon

Cinnamaldehyde, a substance found in cinnamon, may stimulate thermogenesis. Your body generates a lot of heat during thermogenesis, burning calories. For a daily fat loss dose, mix 1 tsp of honey and 1/2 tsp of cinnamon in a cup of green tea, coffee, or plain hot water.

#12 Beans

They contain the optimal macronutrient ratio of protein to fiber. Beans also ensure you stay full without consuming a gigantic amount of calories. Beans contain an incredible amount of nutrients like magnesium and chromium that help combat cortisol.

#13 Eggs

According to a study, participants had speedy weight loss after consuming eggs for breakfast compared to bagels. They lost 65% more weight just by consuming 2 eggs every day.

Eggs can help burn belly fat
Image credits: Bestie via Youtube

13 Foods That Will Melt Your Belly Fat

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