10 Aluminum Foil Tricks That Everyone Should Know

10 Aluminum Foil Tricks That Everyone Should Know | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


Who would have thought that a simple aluminum foil could do so much in our everyday lives? These ten genius tricks from Smart Fox on Youtube show us simple yet useful tricks with aluminum foil that will make our lives much easier. Watch the video below to learn these and share it with your family and friends. 



If you have a pair of dull scissors, you can sharpen them again with aluminum foil. Simply take some aluminum foil, fold it two or three times, then start cutting it with the dull scissors.

Using aluminum foil to sharpen dull scissors
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


Remove limescale on your faucet or shower with some aluminum foil. Simply take a piece of aluminum foil, form it into a ball, and wet it a little. You can now start to rub it over the calcified fittings.


Take a small piece of aluminum foil and put them in the freezer. Leave them for at least an hour. After this, take them out and fold them so that they fit over your eyes. This helps especially against puffy eyes and puffy bags under the eyes.


Take a piece of aluminum foil, form it into a ball, then throw it with your laundry in the dryer. Start the dryer as usual. The piece of aluminum foil prevents the laundry from becoming statically charged, which happens in most cases.



When the remote control eventually runs out, you need to replace the batteries. But if you don’t have the same size and only small batteries are available, a piece of aluminum foil can help you. Fold the aluminum foil a few times until it is small enough to fit into the battery compartment of your remote control.


Take a piece of aluminum foil and form it into a ball so that the shiny side faces outward. After this, put it in the dishwasher; either in the cutlery basket or in the cutlery drawer. Afterward, fill your dishwasher with a dishwashing tab as you normally would and start the cycle. After it’s done, remove the foil and throw it in the trash. This should now have caused a chemical reaction to make your cutlery look much better and shinier again.


Pour some hot water into the baking dish and a small drop of detergent. Then, tear off a small piece of aluminum foil and form it into a ball. With this, you can get the stubborn grease out of the casserole dish.


If you want to fill a liquid into a bottle that has a small opening and you don’t have a funnel at home, you can use aluminum foil. Tear off a piece and roll it into a funnel. Once you’ve done this, you can put it into the bottle, fill it with water, and should run perfectly through the DIY funnel.


Did you know you can clean silver jewelry with aluminum foil? First, take a small bowl and put the aluminum foil, shaping it like the bowl. Next, add 2 to 3 tsp of table salt to the foil, then put the silver jewelry on top. Lastly, pour some hot water into it. Leave it for at least 30 minutes before taking it out.


Take an aluminum foil, cut it a little bit to size, and then put one of your feet on it and wrap it around your foot. Do this with both feet and leave it for about an hour. This will help the cold subside much faster.

Wrapping your feet with aluminum foil to make cold go away
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube

10 Aluminum Foil Tricks That Everyone Should Know

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