Easiest Way to Clean a Kettle

Easiest Way to Clean a Kettle | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Accidental Adult


Do you use your kettle often? If so, you probably noticed the stubborn limescale buildup inside. It can be minimal to really horrible. But thanks to Accidental Adult, you can save yourself a few bucks from buying a new one. Learn the easiest way to clean a kettle through the instructions below. Happy cleaning.



  • white vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda
  • container
  • brush
  • old rag
  • cleaner


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Step 1:

First, remove the filter from the kettle. Do not scrub this part as it is delicate. In a container, add equal amounts of white vinegar and water. (If you are going to use lemons, just use equal amounts too. Mix, then soak the filter for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Easiest Way to Clean a Kettle Tutorial
Image by: Accidental Adult


Step 2:

Fill the kettle in half with equal amounts of water and white vinegar. If you are using baking soda, add 2 cups or 500 ml of water to the kettle and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix the solution then follow the same steps. Boil the mixture and let it sit for about 10 minutes or longer depending on how bad the limescale buildup is.

Easiest Way to Clean a Kettle Tips
Image by: Accidental Adult


Step 3:

Rinse it a couple of times with water to remove the smell of the vinegar. If there is still stubborn buildup, just boil and repeat until it’s clean. You can also use a brush to remove the limescale easily.

Notes: to avoid limescale buildup in the future, make sure to empty out the water after every use and clean it once a month.

Step 4:

Spray a little bit of cleaner on the old rag and wipe the outside of the kettle. You can clean it by placing it on a dry countertop. Do not do it in the sink – you can not submerge it in water as the bottom part may get ruined.


Easiest Way to Clean a Kettle

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