The magic four-patch is the perfect solution for using your stashed pre-cuts and making them into a fun quilt that maximizes your creativity. Sewing Studio on YouTube shares this easy tutorial with us that can be used with any charm pack.
- 5 inches Charm pack fabrics
- 1-meter fabric for the border
- 1-meter fabric for binding
- Rotary cutter
- Ruler
- Cutting mat
- Cloth iron
- pressing mat or ironing board
- Pins
- Sewing machine
- Threads in a neutral color
- Walking foot
Prepare all the needed materials and tools.
Take 4 squares of charm pack fabrics of different colors and join them together to form a square. Join the block forms by sewing them together on the sewing machine, right sides together. Make sure to leave a quarter-inch seam. Use pins to hold the blocks together and sew them easily. Trim the excess threads and press the block neatly, nice and flat with a cloth iron.
Lay the block of fabric on the cutting mat. Line up your ruler in the center and measure 1 inch and a quarter. Cut across the measured area. Rotate the fabric and, again, line up your ruler in the center and measure 1 inch and a quarter. Cut across the measured area.
Repeat the process twice more until you’ve cut across 4 times.
Time for the magic. Take the 12 o’clock fabric and exchange it with the 3 o’clock one; Exchange the 3 o’clock fabric with the 6 o’clock one; the 6 o’clock fabric with the 9 o’clock fabric; and the 9 o’clock fabric with the 12 o’clock fabric. Sew the whole block together, starting from the rows to the columns. Lastly, press neatly.
This tutorial works on any size of four square patches and fabrics. Just note that the cut strip is mostly 1 inch and a quarter. You also do not have to exchange the blocks as per the tutorial, for this is only a suggestion.
Make sure to make the most of your creativity!