Image credit:ItalyPaul - Art In Fruit & Vegetable Carving Lessons on Youtube
Last year, I was to make the perfect Christmas table for my loved ones, friends, and guests, but something was lacking on my table. The chiken was cooked, the appetizer was delicious, the dessert was dreamy, but I needed decorations for the Christmas platter. It’s a good thing I have extra carrots on hand. I didn’t know what to do with all the choices and little time. So, I went to the trusty web to search for ideas and found this easy and quick-to-make carrot Christmas tree by ItalyPaul – Art in Fruit & Vegetable Carving Lessons. The perfect final touch of decoration for my platter! You should try this artsy garnish this year for your own table.
Prepare your carrots by cutting the top and bottom ends of them.
At the bigger end of the carrot, carefully cut half an inch off the top to make and emphasize the trunk of the tree.
Test if the trunk can hold the tree and make it stand still.
For the shape of the tree, cut 1 12 inches from the base of the tree’s cone.
Starting at the bottom, cut diagonally around the carrot every 12 inches to form the tree’s layers.Make sure each layer is slightly smaller than the next.
For the top layer, cut a short cone to form the top layer of the tree.
With each carrot layer, cut off vertical v-lines to form the tree’s branches.
To make the star of the tree, cut a thin slice from the top or bottom of the carrot from the first step. Shape, form, and cut a star shape.
Using a wooden stick, stick the bottom of the star in and the top layer of the tree on the other end. And voila! You have your own Christmas tree carrot.