8 Tricks With Cable Ties That You Should Know

8 Tricks With Cable Ties That You Should Know | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


Who would have thought a cable tie could have so many uses around your house? Smart Fox on Youtube listed some helpful tricks you can do with cable ties. From zippers to unclogging drains, these surely work wonders. Watch the video below to learn the following tricks.



You can use a cable tie as a key ring substitute if you have none and need one. Just take all your keys, pass them over the cable tie, then close it.

Using a cable tie as a key ring
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


If you don’t have a padlock for your suitcase, you can use cable ties to lock your bags instead.


If you need to save some space in your closet to hang more clothes, make several cable ties around a hanger, then hang it in your closet. This way, you can hang more items.


You can use a cable tie in place of a stapler to keep your paper intact. Just punch holes in the side and fix them with cable ties.



Take a bowl with water and add a good amount of dish soap. Grab a cable tie and pull it together a bit. You can use this to blow bubbles.


If your zipper is broken, whether it’s a bag or pants, you can use a zip tie to have something to grab at if you have to zipper it up or down.


Use a cable tie to get the clog out of your drain. For this, grab a cable tie and a pair of scissors. Cut small corners into it. Do the same thing on the other side. You’ll create a lot of prongs that will ensure to get all the dirt in your drain.


You can also use cable ties to manage several cables lying around.

Using cable ties to manage cables
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube

8 Tricks With Cable Ties That You Should Know

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