8 Hacks to Beat Summer Heat

8 Hacks to Beat Summer Heat | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Problem Solved via YouTube


Summer is the best time for outdoor activities! Enjoy the sun by swimming, traveling, going on picnics, biking, doing cookouts, or doing DIY projects.

It is my favorite season because I can swim whenever I want and have an abundance of fresh fruits in my pantry. If you are not a fan of this weather and find it way too hot, here are 8 hacks to beat summer heat by Problem Solved.


RELATED: How to Make Ice Last Longer in Your Cooler

Turning on your AC and drinking lots of water is a great way to freshen up, but if you like spending time under the sun, these simple tips are for you. You can make gel ice packs, lemonade, or a DIY portable air conditioner!

I only listed 4 of them, but there are four more. Learn about the other tips by watching the video below.

Here’s another cooling tip for you: 5 Surprising Ways to Stay Cool During a Heatwave

How to Keep Cool in Hot Weather

1 – Gel ice packs

Fill a reusable zip-top bag with 2 parts water, 1 part alcohol, a little dish soap, and a drop of food color. If you want it to be more firm, add less alcohol. Remove as much air out as you can. Make sure it is sealed tight or you can double bag—place it in the freezer for a few hours or overnight.

If you want a non-toxic alternative gel, you can use corn syrup.

For lunches, freeze some wet sponges in a zip-top bag. If they thaw, they won’t leak.

How to Make Gel ice packs 
Image by Problem Solved via YouTube

2 – How to cool beverages

To super chill your cooler, you will need salt. Use coarse salt or ice cream salt. Sprinkle on top of the ice and mix it up. Place your drinks and let them cool.

3 – How to make lemonade

Peel the skin of the lemons, then place them in a bowl. Make sure not to include the white part. Add the sugar and mix it up. Cover with cling wrap. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight.

Add the mixture to a saucepan and add some water. Dissolve over medium heat. Once dissolved, strain the mixture into a jar. Let it cool.

Squeeze 6-8 lemons.

Fill your pitcher with filtered water, then add lemon juice and sugar mixture to taste. Mix and add ice. Serve.

4 – DIY air conditioner

Get a large container/bucket/cooler, elbow PVC pipes, a small fan, tape, and frozen jugs. Trace the diameter of the PVC pipes and the fan on the lid of your container just like in the photo below. Cut the circles, then insert the PVC pipes and fan. Seal the holes on the side of the fan.

Place the frozen jugs inside, then top it with the lid.

Turn the fan on.

How to Make DIY air conditioner
Image by Problem Solved via YouTube



8 Hacks to Beat Summer Heat

8 hacks to beat summer heat

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