7 Foods You Can’t Reheat Under Any Circumstances

7 Foods You Can’t Reheat Under Any Circumstances | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: BRIGHT SIDE via Youtube


Reheating food is a huge part of our lives, but did you know that there are foods unsafe to reheat? This list of foods you can’t reheat under any circumstances from BRIGHT SIDE on Youtube might save you big time. From mushrooms to celery, spinach, and beets – who would have thought these foods might become very harmful once reheated? Watch the video below to learn the rest of the list.


#1 Celery, Spinach, and Beets

These three all have a high concentration of nitrates, and when reheated, nitrates turn into carcinogenic nitrites. Nitrites can prevent your blood’s hemoglobin from carrying necessary oxygen throughout your body according to the European Food Information Council. So reheating these foods can become very harmful to your body.

You can't reheat celery, spinach, and beets
Image credits: BRIGHT SIDE via Youtube

#2 Potatoes

If potatoes sit out at room temperature for a while after they are prepared, they might develop a rare bacteria known as botulism. It is safer to just eat them cold.

#3 Chicken and Processed Meat

Reheating chicken can change its protein compounds. If you want to reheat a chicken, it’s best to set your microwave to a lower temperature and heat it for a little longer than you would other foods. Processed meat is also unsafe to reheat as it can experience chemical changes like oxidized cholesterol.


#4 Breast Milk or Formula

Breast milk should always be kept out of the microwave. Because microwave distributes uneven heat, it can cause hot spots in the milk which can seriously burn the baby who drinks it. The right way to reheat a formula is to first thaw it, then reheat it in a pot over the stove.

#5 Rice

If the rice wasn’t washed before being cooked, it could contain spores of bacteria and if even the rice is cooked, boiling water won’t kill the bacteria. After the rice cools off to room temperature, its bacterial spores can multiply, and reheating the rice just keeps the bacteria alive.

#6 Eggs

Protein composition of eggs changes when they are reheated. Eggs can in fact become toxic when exposed to a high temperature in a microwave. If eggs are an ingredient in a dish, microwaving it won’t necessarily make it toxic, but if you reheat an omelet or hard-boiled egg, it can be very harmful to you. But if you really wish to reheat eggs, it’s best to heat them back up in a pan and the internal temperature should reach 165 degrees F.

#7 Mushrooms

Whether in a soup or stir-fry, reheating mushrooms in the microwave or on the stove is a big no-no. When you reheat mushrooms, they lose all their health benefits and the composition of protein also changes. This change can cause you to have an upset stomach. If you have any food that has a mushroom on it, it’s better to just eat it cold.

You can't reheat mushrooms as it will become harmful to your body
Image credits: BRIGHT SIDE via Youtube

7 Foods You Can’t Reheat Under Any Circumstances

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