Have you ever wondered if your car is in good shape? Taking good care of your car and driving it responsibly is important to maintain its best condition. Check out these 7 driving habits that ruin your car and drain your wallet by BRIGHT SIDE.
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If you have a new car and just learned how to drive, you should be aware of these driving habits before you get used to them. If you keep doing these things, sooner or later, you’ll find yourself on the side of the road, trying to figure out why your car suddenly stopped working. And in worst-case scenarios, you might get into an accident. You surely don’t want that to happen and to spend a lot of money on car repairs. Watch the video below for the whole list and a detailed explanation of each habit.
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7 Bad Driving Habits That Will Damage Your Car
1 – Resting Hand on Gear Stick
You should have both of your hands to steer. Small, constant pressure on the gearbox turns it into a cocktail shaker, which displaces synchronizers and gears. This will lead to problems with shifting gears.
2 – Refueling only when the tank is almost empty
When your car is not in use, mechanical impurities accumulate in the fuel tank, and sediment forms at the bottom. The dirt goes into the filters and the pump causing damage.
During winter, make sure to leave your tank at least half filled with fuel.
3 – Frequent braking
If you keep breaking unnecessarily, you better set aside a hefty sum for regular brake pads and disc replacements.
To avoid unpleasant accidents, remember to change the brake hoses and keep your eye on the brake fluid level.
4 – Ignoring suspicious sounds
Has your car started to give suspicious sounds? Take it to the service garage. Slight creaking sounds and other unusual sounds may indicate a malfunction.
5 – Neglecting to use the hand brake
When you park your car with an automatic transmission on a slope, the entire burden falls in the lock gear of the output shaft of the gearbox. To park on an incline, hold the foot brake and shift into the park, then pull the handbrake and slowly release the brake.