7 Clever Salt Hacks To Try At Home

7 Clever Salt Hacks To Try At Home | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Household Hacker via YouTube


Who would have thought salt has many uses aside from making our dishes delicious? These seven salt hacks from Household Hacker on YouTube are some simple hacks you can do with salt around your home to make your life easier.


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From cleaning your egg spills to removing hair clogs from your toilet drain, these hacks will absolutely blow your mind. I would never imagine any of these til I watch and apply some of them to my routine. Learn the following by watching the video tutorial below.

#1 Iron Salt

If something melts in your iron and it becomes sticky, turn it on high and let it warm up. After this, sprinkle a generous amount of salt in a wax paper, then move the iron back and forth over the salt for a minute. The salt will grab the residue and clamp it up onto the paper.

Cleaning iron with salt
Image credits: Household Hacker via YouTube


#2 Salt for Spills

Clean up a spilled egg by sprinkling a generous amount of salt over it. Let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes. After this, wipe it off with a paper towel.

#3 Salt for Grease Fire

Pour some salt directly onto the flames when a grease fire suddenly occurs during cooking.

#4 Salt for Burnt Food

Cover the inside of a burnt pan with a generous amount of salt, then add a bit of water. Shake it for a few minutes, then rinse off to remove any grease and food particles.

#5 Salt for Sponges

Add a 1/4 cup of salt in a tub with 2 cups of water. Mix to dissolve the salt, then soak the greased sponge and leave it overnight.

#6 Salt for Bathtub Stains

Mix an equal amount of salt and turpentine and stir the mixture. Put on some safety gloves, then proceed to apply the abrasive salt and turpentine into a sponge and scrub away the stubborn bathtub stains.

#7 Salt for Hair Clogs

Clear hair as much as possible from your bathtub’s drain, then combine 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1/4 cup of salt. Mix them, then pour them directly into the clogged drain. After this, pour about half a cup of white vinegar as well. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then pour hot water down the drain to clear out any remaining mixture.

Removing hair clogs with salt
Image credits: Household Hacker via YouTube

7 Clever Salt Hacks To Try At Home

7 Clever Salt Hacks To Try At Home

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