5 Ways To Make Your House Smell Great

5 Ways To Make Your House Smell Great | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Clean My Space via Youtube


Maintaining a clean house can be quite tedious but keeping it fresh-smelling all the time is the real challenge. Luckily, Clean My Space on Youtube shares five great ways how to keep our home smelling great 24/7. These methods are easy to do, and they’re inexpensive also. Watch the video below to learn these and share them with your family. 


#1 Find the source

Always find the source of the odor and deal with it instead of using a product that’s going to mask the odor. That will never solve the problem. Pets can also be a source of odor too.

Pets can be a source of bad odor in your house
Image credits: Clean My Space via Youtube

#2 Soft surfaces

Soft surfaces, like beds, are quite the culprit when it comes to odors in your home. Whether it’s bedsheets, carpets, window coverings, pillows, and clothing, all of these things are soft. They absorb bacteria, dust, and dirt. These are all odor-causing molecules and they just sit there.

#3 Air Quality

Having good indoor air quality means that your house is going to smell better. There are a few ways that you can achieve this, first, you can open your windows to help move air through the house. You can also use an air purifier.


#4 Odor absorbers

There are three odor absorbers that are easy to come by, inexpensive, and gentle. These are white vinegar, baking soda, and activated charcoal. These are great odor absorbers for your home.

#5 Essential oils

If you want to take the smell of your home beyond just neutral, you can use essential oils around your home. Unlike a candle, an air freshener, or a plug-in that is very strong and constant, essential oils can be ephemeral. You can use them and they can dissipate fairly quickly so you can really control them.

Using essential oils can be great way to have a fresh-smelling house too
Image credits: Clean My Space via Youtube

5 Ways To Make Your House Smell Great

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