Even if you’ve been sewing for a long time, I am sure there are still some tricks you probably don’t know. It’s good to keep learning new things to make your work easier and faster. Here are 5 sewing tips you haven’t heard before by Julija Gobere (SewingJulie).
Tip 1 – Matching seams
Unpick the seam 0.4 inches from one side and 0.4 inches from another side. This will give you just enough fabric to reposition the seams and match them right. Next, take a pin and place it at the seam line connecting both of the seams you want to match, right through the middle. Make sure that the pin is going at the seam line and going right through the middle of both seams you want to match. Sew through the part you unpicked and remove the pin just before the needle hits it. If you want to match the seams before you sew the seam, just do the same. This also works if you’re working with stripes or checked fabric.
Tip 2 – Marking grainline on knits
Take your fabric and hand needle and do a baste stitch along those knit pattern columns.
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Tip 3 – Sewing with a big thread cone
Take a simple clean cup and put the thread spool in it, put it behind the sewing machine, and thread as usual.
Tip 4 – Shortening plastic zipper
Shorten it from the bottom, not from the top. You want to cut the zipper 0.8 inches below the line you want it to end. Next, make short 0.4-inch cuts from both sides of the zipper teeth. Fold one side of the fabric corner towards the center and fold the other. Trim the sides to get a triangle shape, and it’s finished.
Tip 5 – Disposing old needles
Place old needles in a plastic candy box and securely close the lid. This will make sure that they are safely disposed and will not harm anyone.