5 DIY Home Hacks To Save Time And Money

5 DIY Home Hacks To Save Time And Money | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: MrFixIt DIY via Youtube


Keeping the house in its best shape sometimes costs precious time. It even costs some major bucks if you are to go all-in. But did you know you can actually save time and money by learning simple home hacks? These top 5 home hacks from MrFixIt DIY on Youtube are guaranteed to save you your precious time and money on home improvement! Follow the steps below to learn.



Hack #1 – Use a Magnet To Find A Stud

Are you having trouble finding wall studs? Don’t spend a lot by buying those fancy stud finders that could be a hit or miss anyway. You can use a refrigerator magnet in finding wall studs. Grab a magnet, then use a piece of painter’s tape to make a handle for it. Drag it across the wall you want to hang something, and the magnet will find the metal fasteners used in attaching the drywall or plasterboard to the wall. Once you find it, you can mark a vertical line using a level if you will install something lengthwise. If you don’t have a level, just use a piece of string with a bit of weight on it attached to the magnet. This will give you a vertical line.

Finding wall studs by using a refrigerator magnet
Image credits: MrFixIt DIY via Youtube

Hack #2 – Wrap Your Cords Like A Pro

Are you having trouble storing extension cords? Do the over/under technique when storing them. This will not only save you a lot of time by untangling the cords next time you use it, but it will also extend the life of the cord. Tie a piece of string around the female end of the cord, this way you can keep the cord tied together.

Hack #3 – Magnetize Your Tools!

Don’t spend by buying a magnetic screwdriver set, just magnetize your own. Grab your screwdriver and a magnet. (You can grab any magnet in your house, in this case, the bottom of a magnetic tray was used.) Next, drag the screwdriver over the magnet in one direction, rotating the screwdriver a little with each pass. This will let your screwdriver magnetize screws.


Hack #4 – A Speed Square Is Your Best Friend

If you need to make a circle but don’t have a compass, grab a speed square. Most speed square has a notch that allows you to make a quick circle. Place the finish nail as your center point, then place the notch of a speed square around it. Using a pencil, hold it against the square, and spin the square around the center point. Another tip for your speed square, if you don’t own a chop saw and you need to cut square cuts on your lumber, you can use your speed square to act as a saw guide.

Hack #5 – Hack Your Toilet To Save Water

The average home uses about 45% of its water in the bathroom, with 27% coming from the toilet alone. Here’s a simple saving tip: fill out 1 liter of a plastic bottle with water and place it inside the back of the flush tank. By doing this, the tank will need about one less liter to fill up each time; saving around 1 liter per flush. It doesn’t need to be a bottle, it could be anything as long as it will take up a significant amount of volume in the tank. Another water-saving tip is to use a greywater bucket in the shower. This can capture the water from showering. You can use this to water your plants.

Placing a 1-liter bottle filled with water to take up some space in the flush tank.
Image credits: MrFixIt DIY via Youtube

5 DIY Home Hacks To Save Time And Money

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