5 Cutting Hacks for Quilters

5 Cutting Hacks for Quilters | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Craftsy via Youtube


As a quilter, I always find ways to make quilting as easy and smooth as possible, and these cutting hacks from Craftsy on Youtube really made my quilting life smoother. If you’re someone that is having a hard time when it comes to cutting your project seamlessly, these tips are for you. Watch the video below to learn these.


#1 Change Your Blade and Prepare Your Fabric

First, make sure your fabric is nice and pressed. When dealing with bigger pieces of fabric, fold it in half to make it easier. Make sure that the folded edge is parallel to your selvage. Also, cut your fabric with the fold closest to you. That will ensure that you have that nice 90-degree angles when you make your cut.

Preparing your fabric and changing the blade of your rotary cutter
Image credits: Craftsy via Youtube

#2 Measure With The Ruler, Not The Mat

Using a ruler will prevent you from always cutting on the same point of your mat and wearing your mat too quickly. To do this, position your ruler in place, line up your 2″ line with the edge of your fabric, then move your hand through the ruler as you cut.


#3 Move The Ruler Not The Fabric

When cutting a lot of strips, start with the furthest cut, then cut multiple, working your way back to your cut edge.

#4 Highlight Odd Measurements with Washi Tape

Use washi tape to mark odd lines. That way, you can quickly have a visual, especially if you have a ruler that has a lot of different numbers. If you’re going to cut a strip 2 & 7/8 in size, use washi tape to mark it to give you a reference line.

#5 Essential Rulers

Having a variety of different sizes of rulers is essential. For starters, it’s nice to have a wide 6 & 1/2″ x 24″ ruler, a 4 & 1/2″ square ruler, a long 2 & 1/2″ x 18 & 1/2″ ruler, and another wide 8 & 1/2″ x 12 & 1/2″ ruler.

Having different variations and sizes of quilting rulers
Image credits: Craftsy via Youtube

5 Cutting Hacks for Quilters

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