5 Cooler Hacks to Keep It Colder For Longer

5 Cooler Hacks to Keep It Colder For Longer | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Amanda Outside via Youtube


Summer is definitely a camping season, and who camps without a cooler, right? If you’re looking for ways to keep your food and drinks colder for longer in your cooler,  Amanda Outside on Youtube has some best tips for you. From pre-chilling your cooler to the proper proportion of ice and your stuff inside, I’m sure you will learn a lot of helpful tips from this video. Watch it below now and get ready for your next camping adventure with your friends or family!


#1 Buy a Good Quality Cooler

Some of the things to consider when buying a cooler are had-sided, thick insulation, and tight lid seal.

Choose a good quality of cooler when buying
Image credits: Amanda Outside via Youtube

#2 Pre-chill Your Cooler

A few hours before you pack your cooler for a camping trip, place extra ice or an ice pack inside to cool the insulation first.


#3 Prep and Organize at Home

Minimize the amount of time going into your cooler by prepping and organizing your stuff at home first. Also, try and make sure everything that can be cold or frozen is cold and frozen when packing it inside the cooler.

#4 Ways to Cool The Cooler

Use ice packs, silicone ice molds, or regular ice cubes when preparing your cooler. Just remember that you want twice as much ice to food. For example, if you have a third of your cooler full of food, then you want two-thirds of it full of ice. The best way to keep your cooler cool is a combination of these things.

#5 Time

Minimize the amount of time that you’re opening and closing the cooler. When you open the cooler, you’re letting all that cold air out and warm in, causing the ice to melt faster.

Don't expose the cooler under the sun
Image credits: Amanda Outside via Youtube

5 Cooler Hacks to Keep It Colder For Longer

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