40 Foods That Freeze Well

40 Foods That Freeze Well | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: She's In Her Apron


Don’t you know you can save a lot of money and time by buying food in bulk and putting them in a freezer? There are a lot of good food options you can choose from! You just need to learn the proper way of storing and using them to make the most of these frozen goods.



Here are 40 foods that freeze well according to She’s In Her Apron:


Frozen butter. It doesn’t change texture or consistency when frozen.

Milk. It sometimes separates when you freeze it but all you need is to shake it up once it’s thawed.

Sour cream, cottage cheese, and cream cheese. You can put these in the freezer but the consistency will change a little bit when it’s frozen. It will be a little bit water when you unfreeze them, especially with cottage cheese.

Yogurt. The consistency changes a little bit but is still perfect for recipes.

Cheese. When you grab a bag of shredded cheese just put them in the freezer and when it’s time to use, just scrunch up the bag, set it in your fridge and it’s ready to go.

Eggs. Put them in silicone muffin trays but make sure that the mold is on a flat cutting board or cookie sheet so it’s easier to put in the freezer. Once they are frozen pop them out and place them into your freezer bags.

Fruits and vegetables

Avocado. Cut them in half and take off the peel and rub some lemon or lime juice. Place in a food saver bag.

Garlic and onions. Freeze when you buy in a bulk store.

Mashed potatoes. Prepare mashed potatoes with some milk, butter, and salt. Then scoop and place on a baking sheet, put in a freezer for a while, and put in a zipper bag.

40 Foods that Freeze Well Mashed Potatoes
Image by: She’s In Her Apron


Tomatoes. If you are going to freeze them use them for sauce or turn them into ketchup or tomato paste or even salsa.

Corn on the cob. Cut in half, put in a saver bag, and put in the freezer.

Jalapenos. Dice put in a container then throw in the freezer.

Butternut squash. Peel, slice, and clean the middle.

Grapes. Put them in a bag and then in the freezer.

Bananas and berries. 


Zest from lime, lemon, and oranges.


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Apple pie filling. Prepare them like you normally would and put them on a parchment paper. Then wrap it in a zipper bag.

40 Foods that Freeze Well Apple Pie Filling
Image by: She’s In Her Apron


Rice. Just add a little of water when heating it as it dries out when freezing.

Cooked or dry beans. 

Homemade or store-bought pesto.

Cookie dough, pizza dough, and pie crust.

Bread or sandwiches. 


Pancakes or french toast. 

Tortilla or rolls.




Any type of meat. Pepperoni or salami.

Ground sausage.

Raw meat. Chicken, turkey, pork loin.


40 Foods That Freeze Well

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