4 Ways To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes And Dark Circles

4 Ways To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes And Dark Circles | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Dr. Eric Berg DC via Youtube


Do you have puffy eyes and dark circles that you badly want to vanish? There are actually four things we can do to make them disappear, according to Dr. Eric Berg DC on Youtube. These are simple things you can manage at home – and it’s guaranteed to show results after four weeks. Watch the video below to learn these.


#1 Stop Eating Carbs

One of the main reasons for puffy eyes and dark circles is caused by too much insulin and carbs are the big trigger of this high level of insulin.

Carbs can cause puffy eyes and dark circles
Image credits: Dr. Eric Berg DC via Youtube

#2 Stop Snacking

Snacking is a killer, Every time you eat, you trigger insulin so you have to stop this.


#3 Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating and not eating. You want to combine that with your low-carb diet. This is called a Ketogenic Plan. The combination of low-carb and intermittent fasting (without snacking) is powerful to handle the bags as well as the dark circles.

#4 Potassium

To speed things up, you can also start taking potassium or consume foods high in potassium. Not bananas or potatoes but you want to eat things like beet greens in your salad and more salad itself (7 to 10 cups). You also want to take avocados, broccoli, and mushrooms.

Eating potassium-rich food can lessen puffy eyes and dark circles
Image credits: Dr. Eric Berg DC via Youtube

4 Ways To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes And Dark Circles

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