4 Mistakes People Make With Drinking Lemon Water

4 Mistakes People Make With Drinking Lemon Water | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Dr. Eric Berg DC via Youtube


Drinking lemon juice has a lot of benefits. It prevents kidney stones, is a source of vitamin C, antihistamine effect, has antifungal properties, prevents the formation of uric acid, and can help increase the absorption of iron. But are you aware of the mistakes people make when drinking lemon water or juice? Check out this list by Dr. Eric Berg DC.



1 – Drinking it right before a meal

You don’t want to consume lemon water before you eat. When citric acid goes into the body, it gets burned up and it turns into an alkaline substance. Doing this can inhibit digestion. Consume lemon water for at least a half hour or an hour before you eat anything. You can consume it in the morning when you are fasting, so there is no possibility of mixing it with food.

2 – Not diluting it with H2O and using a straw

If you are drinking pure lemon juice straight from a bottle, your teeth will get badly damaged. It could potentially break down some of the enamel on your teeth. The ph of lemon juice is 2 to 3, similar to hydrochloric acid. What you need to do is dilute it and consume it with a straw that way it will avoid going on your teeth.

4 Mistakes People Make with Drinking Lemon Water Tips
Image by Dr. Eric Berg DC via Youtube

3 – Drinking it if you have an ulcer or gastritis

Don’t take anything acidic if you have an inflamed stomach or an ulcer. When you consume it, it will burn in your stomach.

4 – Drinking it if you have alkalosis

Alkolosis is where your blood is just a little excessively alkaline. Drinking lemon can aggravate this pH and make it worse. Common symptoms are lightheadedness, numbness, and tingling in the extremities like your fingertips or feet, twitching underneath the left eyelid or anywhere in the body, and rapid shallow breathing.

4 Mistakes People Make with Drinking Lemon Juice
Image by Dr. Eric Berg DC via Youtube


4 Mistakes People Make with Drinking Lemon Water

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