4 Birthday Cake Hacks

4 Birthday Cake Hacks | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

These 4 Birthday Cake Ideas are so original. I’ve seen my share of Birthday Cake Ideas but this simple tutorial takes the cake! Pun very much intended! The first one is a Pirate Ship with Jolly roger sails and all. The building method of this gorgeous cake was ever so simple to follow, all the pieces are cut from a single round layer cake and just glued together with icing, so simple.


Pirate Cake

The next cake was an ingenious pound cake with a number 5 in the middle in blue cake. Who could have thought of this one?! truly amazing, I loved this one. The blue cake was made first and sliced, then the number 5 was cut out of all the slices and the 5s were set into another loaf pan with batter 1/4 of the way full. Then more batter is poured over the top and the cake is rebaked again and when you cut it, you get a blue 5 in every slice!

The Ice Cream Cone Cake was next in this line of beautiful Birthday cakes. The cake was a simple two-layer round cake with a ball of crumbled cake and icing on the top and gnash dribbled over to represent an upside-down ice cream cone. I just love this one!!

Ice Cream Cake

The last cake in this series is a Hot Air Balloon cake made with Kit Kat bars, this one looks really amazing. The Kit Kat bars are glued to the cake with buttercream frosting and laid along the side like a woven basket. The balloon is held up four brightly colored straws placed at all four corners of the basket, once you get the straws secure in the side marshmallows, you just set the balloon right on top. The best part of this gorgeous cake is the fact you fill the basket with M&Ms!

Balloon Cake

Birthday Cake Decorating Ideas


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