3 Tests to Check if Your Honey is Pure or Fake

3 Tests to Check if Your Honey is Pure or Fake | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Natural Cures via YouTube


Is your honey pure? Do one of these 3 tests by Natural Cures to check if your honey is pure or fake.

Honey is one of the most popular sweeteners around the world. It is used in making different meal recipes and is often added to desserts, pastries, or drinks. The demand for this product continues to soar, which drives companies to make some modifications to their honey. Did you know that not all honey available in stores is pure? Some of them contain other ingredients.


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There are different honey purity tests you can try at home. If you have honey in your pantry, follow the steps below to check if it is adulterated or not. Some store products can be pure sugar syrup or may contain starches.

How to Check if Honey is Pure or Adulterated

1 – Solidification of honey

Take a look at the bottle and see what the honey looks like. Over time it will look like granulated sugar. If it is crystallized in the store, it means it is pure honey. If it’s liquid, you can wait and see if it solidifies. Placing it in the refrigerator will speed up the process. If it never turns to crystal, you probably do not have real honey.

2 – Read the label

Make sure it doesn’t contain high-fructose corn syrup or glucose. These two ingredients are added to honey to keep it from solidifying. Companies also do this to get more honey out of their batch.

3 – Test it

  • Mix some honey with water then add 4 to 5 drops of vinegar. If it turns foamy, that is not pure honey. It may have gypsum.
How to tell if honey is pure
Image by Natural Cures via YouTube
  • Mix a tablespoon of honey with water. If it dissolves easily, it is not pure. Pure honey should stay intact when dipped into water.
Honey Purity Test
Image by Natural Cures via YouTube
  • Use a match to burn honey. Pure honey will light up and burn due to sugar content. Other low-quality honey usually contains water that will prevent it from lighting and burning.
  • Put some honey into a spoon and hold it up. If it falls quickly, it is not pure.
  • Put a small piece of old stale bread in honey. Leave it for 10 minutes and then pull it out. If the bread is still hard, you have pure honey. If it has added water, the bread will be soggy.
  • You can also use iodine. Just mix honey, water, and a few drops of iodine. If it turns blue, it means it has some sort of added flour or starch.


3 Tests to Check if Your Honey is Pure or Fake

3 Tests to Check if Your Honey is Pure or Fake

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