3-Ingredient Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream

3-Ingredient Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Hearty Food


Do you love ice cream? Me too! How about we make our own ice cream this time instead of buying them at the grocery? Sounds like a good idea right? I have discovered from Hearty food that you can make delicious and creamy ice cream with just 3 ingredients! Not only that but it is also surprisingly easy to make. When I saw the preview of this 3-ingredient homemade strawberry ice cream video, I am instantly sold. It’s the perfect dessert for an extra chill this summer. With its tasty, refreshing, and sweet flavors, you’ll finish them in seconds. I am sure everyone will take a scoop once you put this on the table. You can also try different fruits you love for this recipe. Watch the video below and start making them.



  • 1 1/4 cup of strawberries and 4-6 pieces for decoration
  • 2 cups of whipped cream (33-36% of milk fat)
  • 5.3 oz of condensed milk
  • biscuits (optional)


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Step 1:

Cut the 4-6 pieces of strawberries into thin slices. Then get a small bowl or baking dish and cover it with plastic wrap. It will keep the slices of strawberries in place. Then decorate the sides and bottom of the bowl with the slices of strawberries.

Step 2:

Put the other strawberries in a bowl and puree them. Then whip the milk until it has a thick consistency. Put the condensed milk into the whipped cream and whisk. Once done, combine half of the milk mixture with the pureed strawberries. Mix well.

3-Ingredient Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Ingredients
Image by: Hearty Food


Step 3:

Using a spoon, pour the milk mixture into the bowl or dish until you cover the bottom. Then add a layer of the strawberry mixture. Continue with alternating layers until full.

3-Ingredient Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Instructions
Image by: Hearty Food


Step 4:

Once full, place the biscuits on the top and cover them with plastic wrap. Place in the freezer for 2 hours.



3-Ingredient Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream

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