3-Ingredient Flourless Banana Pancake Recipe

3-Ingredient Flourless Banana Pancake Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: TheCooknShare via Youtube


This banana pancake recipe from TheCooknShare on Youtube only needs three simple ingredients to make. What’s more, it doesn’t involve flour! Can you imagine a pancake without flour? Yet it’s fluffy and airy. You can also notch up things a little bit by adding cinnamon or vanilla flavor to it. Make your mornings special with this one-of-a-kind recipe. Watch the video below to learn the step-by-step instructions.



  • 2 ripe bananas (sliced thinly)
  • 1/2 tsp of baking powder
  • 2 eggs


Step 1

To start, peel off a couple of ripe bananas, then slice them up into fairly thin pieces. Transfer the sliced bananas into a bowl, cracked 2 eggs over them, then add 1/2 tsp baking powder. After this, mash them until smooth.

Slicing the banana thinly for the pancake recipe
Image credits: TheCooknShare via Youtube


Step 2

Next, heat up a nonstick pan over low heat and spray some cooking oil on it. (You can also use butter to grease the pan.) Scoop about 2 tbsp of the mixture into the pan and fry it for about a minute or two on each side. Serve this with syrup.

Frying the banana pancake 2 minutes on each side
Image credits: TheCooknShare via Youtube

3-Ingredient Flourless Banana Pancake Recipe

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