15-Minute Creamy Banana Ice Cream (No Machine Needed)

15-Minute Creamy Banana Ice Cream (No Machine Needed) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Hebbars Kitchen via Youtube


Ice cream is definitely my favorite dessert of all time, and I love trying out different flavors. I recently discovered this recipe by Hebbars Kitchen and decided to try it. I expected it won’t have the same consistency as the usual ice cream, but to my surprise, it’s somehow similar. It surely tastes like bananas but the vanilla and honey made it better. It’s super easy to make – anyone can do it at home. Overall, I highly suggest you try this – it’s amazing.



  • three ripe large bananas
  • one teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • three tablespoons of honey

For garnish:

  • chocolate syrup
  • chopped nuts of your choice


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Step 1:

Peel the three bananas and slice them into small pieces. Place in a ziplock bag and seal it tightly. Put it in the freezer for about 3 hours. This will help get the consistency for the ice cream.

15-Minute Creamy Banana Ice Cream (No Machine Needed) Recipe
Image by Hebbars Kitchen via Youtube

Step 2:

After three hours, remove the bananas from the freezer. Break them into pieces and place them in a food processor or blender. Blend until it becomes a thick paste.

Step 3:

Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract and three tablespoons of honey to add sweetness and flavor. Blend well until it becomes thick and smooth.

15-Minute Creamy Banana Ice Cream (No Machine Needed) Ingredients
Image by Hebbars Kitchen via Youtube

Step 4:

Transfer the mixture to a freezer-safe container with a lid and spread it evenly. Place it in the freezer for about a minimum of an hour. You can also serve it immediately but it will be soft.

Step 5:

After an hour, you can now scoop the ice cream and place it into a bowl. Garnish with chocolate syrup and chopped nuts on top. Serve and enjoy!


Did you like this simple and delicious dessert? If so, make sure to visit Hebbars Kitchen on Youtube and subscribe to their channel. They have tons of amazing recipes like this that are worth the try. 

15-Minute Creamy Banana Ice Cream (No Machine Needed)

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