100 Year Old Corn Casserole Recipe

100 Year Old Corn Casserole Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image Credit: YouTube The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking


Heads up corn lovers ’cause today’s dish is definitely for you! I remember corn casserole being one of my favorite dishes growing up, I would always ask my grandmother to make this for me and it would always make my day whenever she would agree. I just woke up one day craving for some corn casserole, but this time I wanted to try doing it by myself and lucky enough, I was able to find this great youtuber The Hillbilly Kitchen – Down Home Country Cooking   to help me throughout with this. You can also check out her other recipes and dishes. This recipe is definitely a must-try, not only was this really easy to make but it is also very cheap as it uses only a few recipe. I had fun making this and I hope you will too. Show off your own version of this 100 year old corn casserole recipe!



  • 3 1/2 to 4 Cups fresh corn
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup real butter
  • 2 to 4 Tsp sugar
  • 1 Cup cream or milk
  • 1 Tsp of baking powder
  • 3 Tsp corn starch
  • 1/2 Tsp salt


Step 1:

First, prepare your corn. If you are using a fresh corn, cut it out from the cob and make sure to scrape it completely.

Step 2:

Put the eggs in a mixing bowl,  add your cream or milk, corn starch, sugar and baking powder. Start whisking all the ingredients well, then add a little bit of salt.


Step 3:

Combine your corn kernel to the mixture and whisk it again making sure that the batter is fully combined.

Step 4: 

Grease your baking casserole with a butter, then pour in your mixture and smooth it out evenly.

Easy 100 year old corn casserole
Image Credit: YouTube The Hillbilly Kitchen – Down Home Country Cooking

Step 5: 

In a pre-heated oven of 350 degree temperature. Bake your corn casserole  until it sets or at least until you see it turn into a nice light brown color. Usually this will take 30-45 minutes to bake then your done!

How to make easy 100 year old corn casserole
Image Credit: YouTube The Hillbilly Kitchen – Down Home Country Cooking


*Thank you to YouTuber The Hillbilly Kitchen – Down Home Country Cooking for the images. Visit his channel for more recipes!

Easy 100 Year Old Corn Casserole Recipe

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