Skin tags may not be harmless, but once you have them, you’ll eventually want to take them out. Worry no more, as BRIGHT SIDE on Youtube listed some of the best home remedies to remove skin tags. These are proven effective, and they work like magic! Watch the video below to learn these.

#1 Banana Peel

Clean the affected area, then cut a small piece of banana peel. Apply the fleshy side of the peel to the skin tag and cover it with a bandage. Leave it overnight.

Applying a piece of banana peel to the skin tag to remove it
Image credits: BRIGHT SIDE via Youtube

#2 Crushed Garlic

Crush two to three fresh garlic cloves into a paste and put it directly on the skin tag with a cotton pad. Make sure to cover it with a bandage and let it sit overnight. Do this for two to three nights.

#3 Aloe Vera

Clean the affected area, get a little bit of fresh aloe vera, and massage it into the skin tag for a couple of minutes. Do this two to three times a day.

#4 Lemon Juice

Apply lemon juice daily for a couple of weeks, the tags will slowly start to decompose and eventually disappear. Before applying, make sure the affected area is nice and clean.

#5 Castor Oil & Baking Soda

Clean the area around the skin tag. Mix two parts castor oil with one part baking soda and gently rub it over the tag. Cover it with a piece of plastic wrap and secure it with a bandage.


#6 Oregano Oil & Coconut Oil

Mix two to three drops of oregano oil with four to five drops of coconut oil. Clean the affected area with warm water, then put the mixture on a cotton swab and apply it to the skin tag. Repeat this two to three times a day.

#7 Tea Tree Oil

Clean and dry the affected area, then apply three drops of tea tree oil to a cotton pad and gently massage it into the skin. Repeat three to four times a day.

#8 Ginger

Ginger is full of bioactive compounds that have antimicrobial properties which allow this product to fight skin tags effectively and quickly. First, clean the affected area and dry it off. After this, rub a slice of raw ginger on it for about two to three minutes. Leave it on the skin so it can do its work. Repeat this four to five times a day.

#9 Apple Cider Vinegar

Studies have shown that its natural acidity is great for removing skin tags because it can break up skin tissue, allowing the tag to come right off. Start off by soaking a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and squeezing out the excess liquid. Then, simply place it on the skin tag and use a band-aid to secure it in place. Leave it on overnight for better results.

#10 Check With Your Doctor First

Before doing anything major, it’s important to consult with your doctor first because you never know how your skin is gonna react to all of the home remedies you want to try.

Checking with your doctor first before trying home remedies for your skin tags
Image credits: BRIGHT SIDE via Youtube

10 Effective Ways To Remove Skin Tags Naturally

Stephanie Hicks | DIY JOY



Since I lover experiments, I’ve alwaysnloved to create, paint, as well as cook and style food. I feel in love with DIY as soon as I discovered it and could not have been more excited when I learned I could share projects with people around the world. Taking photos is a passion of mine, as is design and painting with oils. I love holidays and celebrations, crafting cute little gifts and serving up at least one new recipe I am excited about.

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