10 Cleaning Hacks For Busy Moms

10 Cleaning Hacks For Busy Moms | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Susan Yara via Youtube


As a mom, these cleaning tips from Susan Yara on Youtube really made my life easier, especially around my toddler. It’s been a challenge for me to clean our house effectively since I became a mom. That is why I’m really thankful that I came across these tips. Now, I can clean and take care of my child effectively. Learn the following by watching the video below.


#1 Robotic Vacuum

This is helpful, especially if you have a toddler. It’s impossible to vacuum every day, which is why having a robot vacuum that would just roam all day and pick up dirt is a big help for busy moms.

Having a robotic cleaner can make a mom's cleaning life easier
Image credits: Susan Yara via Youtube

#2 No Shoes in the House

Having your guests’ shoes off before entering your home is really helpful because shoes can bring so much stuff from outside, making cleaning harder.

#3 Dust with Dryer Sheets

Use fabric softener sheets to dust the baseboards, blinds, etc. This helps, especially if you have static in those areas, it will just start to gather all the dust.

#4 Put Toys in the Dishwasher

Putting toys in the dishwasher is a big time saver as you won’t need to handwash them all the time.

#5 Use Baskets

Make sure to have baskets everywhere. This will ensure that you got to keep things out of the way that will cause clutter.


#6 Get a Good Stain Cleaner

Having a good stain cleaner, especially if you have a white or light-colored sofa, would be so helpful as this will save you a lot of time cleaning.

#7 Plump Your Sofa Cushions

If you’re suddenly having guests over and you want to make your home a little more put together, plump the sofa cushions.

#8 Bathroom

Wipe the bare necessities and light a candle in the bathroom so that when you have sudden guests, your bathroom would feel much more welcoming.

#9 Toss What You Don’t Need

Get rid of stuff you don’t actually use.

#10 Get a Cleaning Lady

You don’t need someone to come every day, just somebody that would come in twice a month to help clean.

Getting a cleaning lady at least twice a month can make cleaning easier
Image credits: Susan Yara via Youtube

10 Cleaning Hacks For Busy Moms

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