Ever Skinned A Watermelon? You’ll Never Slice One Again!

Ever Skinned A Watermelon? You’ll Never Slice One Again! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas


When I originally saw this photo of a skinned watermelon, I knew I needed to learn this man’s secret immediately. I am a watermelon fanatic and so the only thing better than scooping watermelon right out of the rind would be skinning the rind off and leaving all the fruity goodness in tact. So, what’s the secret you may be asking? How do you skin a watermelon whole? It’s a trick, of course!


Pull one over on your friends and family at your Labor Day party with this easy trick! All you will need to create this skinned watermelon effect is a knife, two watermelons of similar shape and size, a kitchen scrubby pad and a large kitchen spoon. Of course, if you’re really going to pull off this trick, you will also need a hefty dose of self-assurance to prove yourself believable to your loved ones.

I like to make this watermelon dupe a couple of hours before anyone arrives so no one is too suspicious about all the rind pieces in the trash can. This also gives me plenty of time to fabricate stories regarding how I did it as I am a less than stellar liar, especially on the spot. Come up with your own creative tales about your watermelon cutting talents and share them with us in the comments section below!

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