She Twists Wire And Makes An Incredible Gift Idea For The Upcoming Holiday!

She Twists Wire And Makes An Incredible Gift Idea For The Upcoming Holiday! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is a great beginners tutorial and what better time to learn this than right before Christmas when you are thinking about what to get your friends and family. You will definitely save money, and your gift looks quite expensive.

I was so excited to learn and get started making wire jewelry. The tutorial is very thorough and now I feel confident in making these earrings myself.


I was thinking about this pair of earrings I saw, the other day, that i really liked. They were similar to the ones she makes in the attached tutorial, except they had these hideous beads in the bottom swirl. I liked them, but not with the beads. So I decided to make my own, more appealing version, as she does in this tutorial.

The next earrings I make I will use some textures on the wire, like hammering, to give it a little something extra. I love the looks of hammered wire jewelry.

I plan to make several pairs of these earrings for Christmas gifts this year and I can’t hardly wait to see the faces of my family and friends when they receive them! I’m really excited about my gifts this year!

Watch how this gal with Fantasia Elegance makes these fabulous earrings in her step by step tutorial so you can get started making them too!


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