Don’t You Love The Way She Adorns These Mason Jars? She Does Something Besides Adding Embellishments

Don’t You Love The Way She Adorns These Mason Jars? She Does Something Besides Adding Embellishments | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I believe these are some of the most beautiful mason jars I’ve seen to date! Don’t you want to make these right now?

These would be so lovely as a centerpiece for a wedding reception. Although, I didn’t have any weddings to make these for, I certainly had to have at least one of these gorgeous mason jars in my home!


It’s amazing the difference you can make by using a couple of pretty embellishments on a mason jar. But this lady does the sea glass technique first and she also paints the ribbon and rose buds gold for a beautiful effect. Just by doing a little something extra goes a long way towards getting a spectacular looking DIY project!

Just imagine these gorgeous jars sitting in your home! It’s the little touches that make a home feel loved and homey. There’s something so special about using our God given creativity to speak life into our home.

A few weekss ago, I gathered some of my girl friends for the ultimate crafting day. We had a blast! It’s was such a wonderful community building time, but I want to highlight just how beautiful and easy our DIY Embellished Mason Jars came out.

Watch how Tracey Sabella makes these fabulous jars in her step by step tutorial!




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